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Video Entry Deadline: Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024, by 11:59 p.m.
Choir Selection Announcement: Monday, Sept. 23, 2024, at 3 p.m.
Live Competition: Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

For questions or comments regarding audition submissions, email

For more information or to sponsor the WSRE PBS Joyful Noise! Gospel Celebration and Competition, please email



Gospel choirs from the WSRE PBS viewing area are invited to submit video auditions, through the entry deadline of Sept. 15, 2024, for a live competition at Pensacola High School on Nov. 9, 2024. This is a free, in-person event featuring performances by the award-winning Sing Harlem choir and the Soulful Movement: Spirit of Excellence dance troupe, plus a screening of the PBS documentary film "Gospel," the impetus for the Joyful Noise! Gospel Celebration. 

Video entries will be reviewed and ranked by the Talent Search Committee, a diverse group of community leaders and gospel music experts. The Committee will select the top ten (10) choirs. The ten (10) selected choirs will receive an invitation to perform at the competition on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024, in front of a live audience and distinguished panel of judges, including celebrity guest judge Ahmaya Knoelle Higginson, Sing Harlem choir director. 

Judges will score each performance not only on vocal ability, but also on presentation, professionalism and, most importantly, ability to connect with the audience. The top three (3) choirs will be awarded with high-quality broadcast and digital media packages, produced by WSRE PBS, which will provide them with wide-spread exposure utilizing the strength of the PBS brand. All choirs who submit video auditions will be recognized on WSRE broadcast. 

Contest registration and participation, as well as attendance at the live competition event will be free and open to the public; however, WSRE PBS will not provide compensation for travel.


The competition is open to choirs that meet the following requirements: 

  1. Each performing member of the choir must be age 18 or older at the time of submission. 
  2. Choirs must have a minimum of ten (10) members (excluding an accompanist). 
  3. Choirs must not exceed one-hundred (100) members (including accompanist). 
  4. Choirs must be able to perform on the competition date of Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024, anytime between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m. Choirs may be required to be on site by 11 a.m. depending on the time the choir is scheduled to perform. 
  5. Choirs must sign media and liability waivers to participate.


The following choirs are ineligible to participate in the contest:

  1. A choir or any of its individual members who are professional musicians. A professional musician is defined as “being signed to or contracted with a major record label.”
  2. A choir or its individual members who are under any contract that would prohibit their participation in this contest.
  3. Each performing member must be a regular, active member of the choir.
  4. Only one entry per person is allowed. If a performer belongs to multiple choirs that plan to enter the contest, the performer must choose one choir with whom to participate for this contest.
  5. A choir or any of its individual members who do not meet the Eligibility Requirements above.


The Joyful Noise! Gospel Competition entry period ends on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024 (entry deadline).

  1. WSRE PBS will accept video submissions per the online registration instructions.
  2. Audition videos should be no more than five (5) minutes long and must have been recorded within the past year.
  3. Contestants must submit a performance video, along with their organization or choir name, lead contact’s name, preferred email address, and phone number by completing the online Entry Form.
  4. Submitted videos should be in HD resolution in MP4 or MOV format.
  5. All entries become the property of WSRE PBS and may not be acknowledged or returned.

Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 15, 2024. Hand-delivered or mailed submissions will NOT be accepted.


Once the video entry collection phase ends, a carefully selected panel of judges (the Talent Search Committee) will narrow the field to the top ten (10) continuing choirs. Those choirs will be notified via email and/or telephone on Monday, Sept. 23, 2024, at 3 p.m. The top ten (10) choirs will proceed to the live competition event which will take place on Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024, in the Pensacola High School auditorium. 

Please note: WSRE PBS will make reasonable efforts to contact the groups using the contact information provided on the audition application. If a winner does not directly speak with or reply to WSRE PBS within two (2) business days after the first initial contact, WSRE PBS may, at its option, award another group for advancement.


  1. Each choir will have no more than five (5) minutes to perform during the live competition on Saturday, Nov. 9. This includes any speaking. Contestants exceeding this time will be cut off and incur a scoring deduction.
  2. Entries may be in the following gospel music styles:
    Traditional or Contemporary Gospel;
    Praise and Worship;
    Holy Hip-Hop;
    Southern Gospel.
  3. Contestants performing in the live competition have the option of singing a cappella, with piano accompaniment or with a music track. (Music track cannot contain vocals.) Each choir is responsible for its own music accompaniment. Bands are not allowed.
  4. Official choir robes are encouraged but not required so long as the attire is uniform and tasteful.

Judging Criteria

Judges will consist of local and national personalities and gospel music experts. Standards for judging will be based on: 

  1. Diction (clarity, naturalness, purity of vowel, and articulation of consonants)
  2. Stage Presence (expressiveness, authenticity, poise and posture, and general audience appeal)
  3. Originality in Presentation (dynamics/style and expression)
  4. Rhythmic Accuracy (balance, blend, and accuracy in pitch)
  5. Tone Quality (resonance, control, clarity, focus, consistency, warmth, and breath control)
  6. Conductor’s Ability (awareness of musical elements and choir communication).

The decisions of the judges will be final. In the case of tie scores, the stage presence score will be the determining factor.


  1. No assistance from anyone other than the Choir Director may be given to the choir during the performance. Any such assistance overseen by any of the judges and/or reported by two or more individuals and verified may be cause for automatic disqualification.
  2. An individual may not compete with more than one choir.
  3. An individual or choir is deemed a late arrival. A late arrival is defined as “15 minutes later than determined arrival time and with no or unsuccessful contact and/or the event manager unsuccessful in reaching group contact by phone.”


The top three (3) choirs will be awarded with high quality broadcast and digital media packages, produced by WSRE PBS, which will provide them with awareness and wide-spread exposure and align them with the strength of the PBS brand.

Media content will be distributed via WSRE PBS broadcast and digital media platforms, including the station's website and the PBS app.

1st Place
The choir will receive a half-hour TV concert special to be broadcast on WSRE PBS and streamed on WSRE PBS digital platforms. This live performance will take place in front of a studio audience in the WSRE Jean & Paul Amos Performance Studio at Pensacola State College.

2nd Place
The choir will be featured on a special episode of "Connecting the Community," including a short performance and an interview with host Rameca Vincent Leary, to be broadcast on WSRE PBS and streamed on WSRE PBS digital platforms.

3rd Place
The choir will be showcased on a TV spot to be broadcast on WSRE PBS and streamed on WSRE PBS digital platforms.


This contest is void where prohibited. WSRE PBS is not liable for wrong entries or those not accepted due to technical issues. All participants must be legal U.S. residents.

How will licensing of the submitted and performed songs be managed?

Licensing is required for all songs broadcast via WSRE PBS and distributed on WSRE PBS digital platforms. Licensing will be the responsibility of WSRE PBS.